Exmart x9 Mobile Mic Problem solution

exmart x9 mic problem solution

Hello friends, today I will talk about how to solve the problem of microphones in the Exmart x9 mobile. The Mic problem on this mobile is mostly due to the line that the mic's line is on. And in some cases due to my badness, it is not the activation of whatever you do. Check it with a new mic, and if you do not solve this problem after installing a new mic, then I will explain it through a picture. The solution will be solved and I talked about it step by step below

Solution Method:

I'm telling you once you open the mobile first and then the motherboard of the mobile is better to clean the motherboard and then replace the old mile of the mobile. After doing this, check the mobile once.

once again

  1. First, open the mobile
  2. Then clean the mobile motherboard well
  3. After cleaning the motherboard, apply a new mic
  4. Then check again
  5. If this problem is not solved even after doing all these things, then do the job by looking at the picture I have inserted

exmart x9 mic jumper

I'll show you the jumper through the pictures as you jumper. The microphone problem will be resolved.

Note:-In the way I said to do your work if you try to fix the mobile phone in any way, and if the mobile becomes bad for any reason, then this website will not be responsible in any way.

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