Samsung GT-E1200Y Network Solution

Hello, Friend, I talk about here today about solving Samsung e1200y mobile network problems. First of all, let's tell you why this mobile network is a problem and how you can solve this problem altogether here I am totally I will discuss. See, the network problems that arise on this mobile are the main reasons for some of the networking This platonic event occurs when the component is missing or a network antenna lining.

Some basic tasks:

1. Open the mobile first and then clean the mobile board well
2. Then check the supply from network ic to the battery connector
3. Then check the network antenna lining

Samsung e1200y Network Problems Solution

Solution Method:

To solve this problem, first, you have to network antenna lining You have to check it well. If you do not mind antenna lining your network after checking then you have a jumper. But you can do an image about how you will do jumper. You can do this by seeing the image. I will end up painting the picture. At first, I discuss solution bullets. Due to the fact that due to the network issue that is seen on this mobile, a special reason is that the network filtering crystal becomes poor and network problems occur. For that, you can change the network filtering crystal after doing this.
Hopefully, after all these things, your mobile network solution will certainly be resolved.

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